In a recent post, a Host was referring to the, “Look what I can do with technology!” craze that gave birth to the rise of remote submission apps. There’s a sect of society that is so infatuated with their smartphones that no number of apps is too many, and at some point, we’ll probably all be forced to capitulate to their whims to some degree because their numbers continue to grow. That is something we have been mentioning for some time. Technology is not the future anymore. IT IS NOW. A very wise Host named Jim provided an interesting response that included; > "Those millions of TikTok users are all voluntarily lining up to be exploited to earn great sums of money for TikTok." It is now an easy fact – Give someone an advantage to downloading an App, and just watch the numbers skyrocket. Jim went on to say; > "Eventually the remote request app developers will realize that there are far more singers waiting to be exploited by them than the number of KJs willing to p...