Why do we recommend account creation?

Why Do We Have Account Creation? 

Without an account, you would miss out on many of our "unique user functions".

With an account, you can save a favourites list and even get a copy of your History. The Host can also send you a "it's your turn next message" when you have an account.

The App uses the minimal data possible to operate and this data is not shared with anyone - the App stores now force us to provide data information to the user. If we are not following protocols, they will remove the App from their stores.

Minimum Data Required to Create An Account;

  • Something that looks like an email address - this can be fake, but using a real one will allow you to recover your account if you forget your password. 
  • First and last name - These can be stage names or nicknames so that doesn't even need to be real - just what you would like the Host to call you. 
  • A picture - can be a photo of your cat or even your beer. This is just to help the Host know who you are.
  • Your mobile/cell number. This is not shared with anyone but is used to verify you are a real person and to prevent multiple fake accounts. One huge problem with other options is they don't have a way of restricting Singers to one account. Let's say someone named Aaron McDonald wanted to sing several times. How do you stop him from making an account for Aaron, Azza, Macca, A-Mac and McDucky? Why should he get more turns than you because he can create fake accounts?

At the end of the night, you can delete your account and all data is gone - deleted forever.

How Do You Delete Your Account?

In the top left corner of the App you will see the menu button – three little lines (often called the “hamburger menu button”). Tap on that and then go to “My Profile”.

On the profile page, tap on the edit button in the top right corner. When you do that, you will see a Delete Account button.

Do We Keep Any Residual Data?

No! If you delete your account, we delete everything. There is no record of it ever existing.

What If You Want to Recover a Deleted Account?

Sorry, but this is not possible. We run on the most minimal data required and delete all data when you choose to.

Who Do We Share Your Data With?

The only information that is shared, are the things that are needed by your Host. The name you entered and the profile pic you added. This information is only provided during the event. The Hosts cannot access this information at any other time. Nothing else is shared with any other third party.

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